We have awarded over $5.1 million in assistance to our members!


The Florida National Guard Foundation – Scholarship Application

If you are a child of a current member of the Florida National Guard and those Florida Guard members who have retired with 20 years of service, please download and complete the form. The form and all of the requirements must be completed and submitted no later than the deadline date. Any incomplete or late application will not be reviewed. The applications and requested documentation must be submitted to FLNG Foundation. The deadline date is July 1, 2019. Each application will be reviewed by the Board of Directors of the Florida National Guard Foundation (FLNG).

The PDF version of the document will appear on a new screen while the DOC version of the document will be downloaded.

PDF Application document: Scholarship Application

Word Application document: Scholarship Application

The completed packets can be mailed to FLNG Foundation, P.O. Box 717, St. Augustine, FL 32085-0717 or emailed to [email protected]. If mailed the postmark must be no later than July 1st. You will receive an email when your packet is received.

Who is eligible?

The children of current Florida National Army Guard and Air Guard members and those Florida Guard members who have retired with 20 years of service.

Eligibility for Scholarship

  • Current student in good standing at an accredited college, university, or vocational technical school in the State of Florida. Applicants may also be a graduating high school senior accepted to attend an accredited college, university, or vocational technical school in the State of Florida

Evaluation of the Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Academics: Applicants must be in good standing with their school as evidenced by including a transcript in their application. High school seniors must also include a copy of their college acceptance letter. Applicants must demonstrate average or above average academic achievement, as evidenced by previous grades, test scores, etc.
  • Citizenship: Applicants must show civic and moral leadership and character including truthfulness, courage, and devotion to the community and to the country as evidenced by letters, certificates or other supporting documentation. Applicants must submit information demonstrating civic involvement, moral leadership, character that indicates commitment to community, state and/or county.
  • Video Required: Individuals applying must submit a 3-4 minute video explaining what receiving the scholarship means to the individual. The video must be in WMV or Mpeg format that can be opened. If your video is too big to send through email then mail the video on a disk to the post office box. Any application that does not include the video will be rejected.

Application Procedures

  • The National Guard Foundation Executive Director notifies each Family Readiness Coordinator of the application process and the deadline for packet submissions.
  • Applications must be completed by the applicant and received in the Foundation office no later than 1 July 2019. Incomplete or late applications will not be boarded. The packets can be mailed to FLNG Foundation. P.O. Box 717, St. Augustine, FL 32085-0717 or emailed to [email protected]. You will receive an email when your packet is received.
  • Each application is reviewed and boarded by a Board of Directors of the Florida National Guard Foundation. The applications are evaluated based on academics, citizenship, and need. The decision of the Board of Directors is final and all those who applied will be notified by email or mail.

Scholarships to the children of Florida Guard members will be awarded from funds received from the “In God We Trust” Foundation. The number of scholarships awarded will depend on the number of eligible applications received.

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